Man & Science Blog

May 07, 2006


What’s and ecosystem? Well, an ecosystem is the conjuction of plants and animals living in the same region. Ecosystems are comprised of various trophic levels, or groups of plants and animals that reflect their main energy source. Ecological pyramids can be used to show the relationship between trophic levels. Organisms from each trophic level, feeding on one another, make up a series called a food chain.

We can infer a good ecological balance by knowing the ecological efficiency that is the proportion of energy at a certain level that is transferred on to the next level. Usually, only 10% of the energy at one level is transferred on to the next trophic level. The remaining 90% is consumed by the plant or animal for its own metabolic activities, or it is transferred to decomposers when it dies.

Ecosystems are the battery for our planet, the motor that keep our lungs breathing and the home for almost every species in this world. Recent growth in scientific knowledge has helped humanity comprehend the complex relationships in ecosystems and the devastating effects of human interference. As a result we have become increasingly aware of the need to protect and manage the ecosystems that we do have remaining for their utility, genetic, intrinsic and heritage values and also for the need to allow natural change and thus evolution to take place. Natural ecosystems have provided much that has been of benefit to humanity and with careful protection it can last for many more generations. Management strategies involving sustainable development, total preservation and the educating of the populace are becoming progressively more important in today's society and for the protection of ecosystems.

We may think that technology just affects the ecosystems, but there are some ways in which technology is helping our world such building new weather-controlled habitats for the species in danger, and then sending them back home; and what about the protect of soil by adding it new chemicals. There are also many ways in which technology is helping the ecosystems; just you have to look around for fundations like greenpeace that uses the technology for saving our ecosystems.

Natural ecosystems are part of our lives and need to be effectively managed so as to ensure they remain undamaged, and to ensure that any damage done is immediately rectified. Sustainable development, total preservation and the educating of the populace are some of the most effective management policies and need to be enacted to manage and preserve our precious earth and its ecosystems.


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